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literae humaniores 短語和例子〔拉丁語〕1.人文學科。2.希臘羅馬古典語文研...


This paper reviews the exploration of the subjectivity issues in the history of western philosophy ideology , and makes further research of the process of the establishment and development of methodology of the human sciences in the western philosophy , especially in the traditional literae humaniores of germany philosophy . besides , this paper deeply and thoroughly analyses and criticize the contribution of the objectivism research attitude which is gradually getting rid of the thoughts of “ the dichotomy of subject / object “ and “ rational dogmatism “ hi philosophy research , history research and pedagogy research 研究系統考察了西方哲學思想史上有關主體性問題的探索,重點考察了人文科學方法論在西方哲學、尤其在有著人文思想傳統的德國哲學中的形成發展過程,對哲學研究、史學研究和教育學研究逐步擺脫“主客二分”和“理性獨斷”思維方式及客觀主義研究態度做出的貢獻進行了比較深入、全面的批判分析。

In the second part , the thesis discusses about the culture communication from three sides , which include natural science , social science and literae humaniores . then it discusses about ecumenic status of the two countries “ culture communication in every side . and this part mainly introduces the educative communication before the establishment of zhongfa university between china and france 文章的第二部分中法大學成立前的中法文化交流則從文化的三個層次,即自然科學領域、社會科學領域和人文科學領域三方面入手,分別探討了中法大學創建前中法文化交流的一般狀況,重點是這一時期的中法教育交流,從而引出中法教育交流的產物? ?中法大學。

To compare with the used thoughts of methodology literae humaniores , we make sure the relationships among the education ontology , education epistemology and the methodology of education research , which admit the methodology of education research constituting by the education ontology and education epistemology . the education ontology and education epistemology is the preconditions , bases and necessary conditions of the methodology of the education research . whereas , the methodology of education research supervise the solution of the education ontology and education epistemology 通過對歷史上人文科學方法論思想的探討,還明確了教育本體論、教育認識論與教育研究方法論的關系,認為教育研究方法論內涵著教育本體論和教育認識論,教育本體論和教育認識論是教育研究方法論的前提、基礎和必要構成部分,而教育本體論和教育認識論問題的解決又要以一定的教育研究方法論為指導。

Then , in this background , natural science , social science and literae humaniores are changing . educational science , which has the natures of both social science and literae humaniores , must also be changing . its emphases must be transferring 那么,在自然科學、社會科學和人文科學研究都發生轉變的大背景之下,兼具社會科學和人文科學性質的教育科學,其研究肯定也發生了變化,其重心肯定也存在著轉移。

Landscape ecology is an inter - subject synthesized from ecology , geography and literae humaniores . it ' s a new concept frame of ecology and a body of holistic ideas 景觀生態學是由生態學、地理學以及人文科學綜合產生的一門交叉學科,是生態學的新概念構架,是一種綜合整體的思想。

On apr . 13 , qi ming ' s lecture conducted by the mstc of south china university of technology is held in the reporting hall of yifu literae humaniores building 4月13日晚上,在燈火輝煌的逸夫人文館報告廳里,由華南理工大學微軟俱樂部舉辦,祁明教授主講的關于創新的講座隆重舉行。

Generally , science can be classified to natural science , social science and literae humaniores 按照一般的分類,科學可以分為自然科學、社會科學和人文科學三大類型。